Grapefruit A Metabolism Booster – The Magical Diet Plateau Solution?
Whenever a person plateaus during the HCG program for the first time, they often wonder if it’s their own fault, or the fault of the product they are using. However, much we tell people, it seems hard to imagine that their weight loss would stall. This point can be a significant low in any weight […]
Shopping for the HCG Diet – Filling Your Basket
Many of our customers ask us about their trips to the grocery store and just what they should buy. There is no one size fits all answer to this question, but a great start is to employ a variety of different vegetables and fruits as allowed by the program. There really is no limitation as […]
Finding Good Health Requires More than Commitment to Change
Good health can be incredibly elusive and difficult to maintain. Many people are, as a result, trying out various weight loss programs in the hope they will get them to a healthy body weight again. However, very few pharmacological treatments actually provide results and if they do, generally they are quite limited. Even prescription treatments […]
Regaining Hope for Real Weight Loss – HCG Drops
For many people, weight loss is an elusive and impossible goal. The act of maintaining a healthy weight can be nearly impossible. Whenever people diet, they also run into a well known problem related to maintaining weight loss over time, as these sorts of diet programs often encourage “crash” weight loss and plateaus. What people […]
Maintaining HCG Weight Loss Success – After Phase 2
Many people often ask us, just how can they maintain their weight loss results once they finish their regimen? There are some definite advantages to the use of real HCG, like HCG Plus, and those also carry through to Phase 3. The maintenance of the weight lost on our program is relatively straightforward. People are […]
Before and After HCG Drops – Results Are Truly Amazing
We are often asked about “before and after” pictures for our product, and the unfortunate side effect of the HCG program, or any weight loss program for that matter, is few people take recent photographs of themselves before beginning. As a result, people will often try to find older pictures to help, and sometimes are […]
Maximizing Result On the HCG Diet
Millions of people are now using the HCG diet program to lose weight, and it’s no surprise that it has become this popular. For decades now, physicians and medical professionals have been prescribing this treatment to their patients to help them lose weight. For the most part, users lose between 20 to 30 pounds within […]