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Tools for Successful Weight Loss Results with HCG

Customers often ask us about the best tools they can add to their HCG drops program in order to achieve better results.  Unlike many of our competitors, we do not attempt to “upsell” you to various “meal replacement shakes” or other items.  Rather, we just provide real, non-homeopathic HCG drops!  However, there are a few things you can add to your diet to achieve better results.

  • Although HCG Plus contains B-12, it is possible to increase your total weight loss by adding about 100-200% of the Daily Value of B-12 in sublingual drops
  • You can also add appetite suppressants as well, though you should be careful to use ones that only absorb fat, not increase energy
  • Using fiber supplements and vitamins is also a good addition to the program., as these can keep your body healthy on the limited diet

The above are not necessities with the HCG diet program, nor are they necessary with HCG Plus.  B-12 supplementation in particular, is not needed. HCG Plus contains all B-complex vitamins as well as high levels of the HCG hormone.  Most people experience little advantage with using any of the above.  However, vitamin and fiber supplements can indeed help a lot, as they promote overall bodily health during the program.

Successful dieting in phase 2, can also be helped by use of our best phase 2 dieting recipes.  We gave some examples of the types of meals in a previous post that have been shown to be quite effective in promoting weight loss.  Weight loss with the HCG diet program is extensive, in part, because of the great appetite suppressant abilities of the HCG hormone.  However, certain kind of diligent food preparation can help as well.

We provide extensive recipes whenever you purchase the HCG Plus program, which include recipes throughout phase 2, as well as overall dieting guidelines for the HCG program.  These are usually very helpful to our customers, and oftentimes lead to a greater, and more rapid, instance of success.  Dieters that are new to this protocol may find the 700 calories abnormally restrictive, however, in reality most people struggle to eat the entire amount each day.  Ultimately, only the HCG diet program has been proven effective in treating obesity and weight related issues in the long term.  Even in cases where weight loss has been historically difficult due to chronic health conditions, the HCG diet does very well in helping people lose weight.  We always recommend this program to anyone, and HCG Plus is a truly great (and authentic) way to start!

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